Tag Archives: glamour beauty


From natural beauty to BOMBSHELL! Ready to reveal the bombshell within YOU? Let’s talk!  For your FREE consultation, send me a PM or fill out this contact form: https://jemadoreportraits.ca/contact Hair & Makeup by: Ariana Assadi

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“There are some moments in your life that forces you to change and evolve”

As an Ottawa Boudoir Photographer, I meet many different women from all ages and at different stages in their lives — each of them with different inspirations or incentives to do a boudoir session. Meet Miss N! She was one of the first clients to grace her presence in Je m’adore’s NEW studio. Not only…

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“I let insecurity control my life for too long” — Ottawa Glamour Boudoir Photographer

As an Ottawa Boudoir, Pinup & Glamour Photographer, I meet many different women from all ages and at different stages in their lives. Glamour used to be synonymous with a more sensual or erotic form of photography or the (yikes) “glamour shots” of the 80’s complete with feather boas and big hair. It’s come a…

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