As an Ottawa Boudoir, Pinup & Glamour Photographer, I meet many different women from all ages and at different stages in their lives. Glamour used to be synonymous with a more sensual or erotic form of photography or the (yikes) “glamour shots” of the 80’s complete with feather boas and big hair. It’s come a loooong way. Today’s glamour portraits focus on beauty & fashion. Meet Miss H! This beauty came to the Je m’adore studio for an experience she’d never forget: a glamour session! A day for just HER! She wanted to look and feel beautiful and doesn’t EVERY woman deserve that? We think so! Read about her journey with us…
Q: What’s going on in your life right now that motivated you to do a session?
Miss H: I have always wanted to do a session but I was too self-conscious, insecure, and didn’t feel very good about myself. I was tired of hearing myself say things like “I wish I could…” or “I could never…” without even trying. I decided that 2019 would be the year that I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried all the things I’ve always wanted to try (time, finances, etc. taken into consideration of course). I wanted an opportunity to see myself as and feel pretty and beautiful as I rarely feel that way.
Q: Besides beautiful photographs, what else did you hope to get out of the experience?
Miss H: I was hoping to get a jolt of self-confidence and pride in myself. I wanted an opportunity to be pampered for a day. I also hoped that the good feelings I experienced throughout the day would carry through beyond the session. I wanted to see myself in the way that those who care for me do.
Q: How long had you been considering doing a shoot before you booked yours? What was the final push? What did it feel like to finally book your session?
Miss H: I had been considering doing a shoot for about 3 years. When I lived in Toronto, a group of women that I knew had each booked boudoir sessions. Their experiences were wonderful and their photographs were stunning. I didn’t do it because I was too self-conscious about my weight and my appearance. The final push was the fact that I was always thinking about it which I felt meant that I needed to do it. It felt like a relief to finally book my session. Once it was booked, I couldn’t wait for the session date to arrive!
Q: Before your session, how would you describe your relationship with your body, your beauty and your sensuality?
Miss H: I’ve always thought that my body was ugly. I’ve never considered myself attractive or sexy. I let insecurity and self-consciousness control my life for too long.
Q: How did doing a session affect how you feel about your body, your beauty and your sensuality?
Miss H: For the first time in a very long time, I felt good about myself. I loved how my makeup was done, I loved my outfits, and I was completely open to the entire experience.
Q: What were you worried about before your session? What helped to overcome that?
Miss H: Even though I was so excited for my session, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to relax. I was also worried that, being nervous and overweight, I would sweat too much. I was able to overcome that by remembering how comfortable I felt with Suzanne when we first met. I knew I was in good hands and I felt safe. The floor fan was also very helpful in keeping me cool.
Q: Tell me about your session day: How did you feel on your way over? What were your favorite parts? How did you feel on the way home?
Miss H: The day of the session I was so excited! My favourite parts were: getting my makeup done; choosing outfits, fabrics, and backdrops; posing; chatting with Suzanne throughout the session. On the way home, I was so tired but felt SO GOOD!! I was energized and happy!
Q: What were you feeling when you saw your photos at the viewing?
Miss H: I couldn’t wait to see my photos! I was blown away when I saw them. At some points during the viewing, I was literally speechless! The photos were stunning and I couldn’t believe that I was staring at myself in those photos.
Q: Why did you decide to hire me as your photographer?
Miss H: I visited the Je m’adore website a few times before I reached out to Suzanne. Her photographs were so gorgeous. When I met her, I felt so comfortable and liked her so much right away. I knew that she would take good care of me during the session. I felt safe and encouraged throughout the session.
Q: If your friend were considering doing a shoot, what would you say to encourage her?
Miss H: I would tell her to do it!! I would tell her not to hesitate and to book a session ASAP! I would share my experience with her and how much I loved the entire process!!!
Client’s Age: 50’s (yeah, i didn’t believe it either!